Wonder Valley Arts
Homestead Cabin Festival
Homestead Cabin Festival
The homestead cabins that dot the wild desert landscape of Wonder Valley can provoke both curiosity and unease in the outsider, but to the residents of Wonder Valley they’re home. They connect us as a community.
Through the arts, the Wonder Valley Homestead Cabin Festival will explore the cultural legacy of the Small-Tract Homestead Act in Southern California's high desert.
The Wonder Valley Homestead Cabin Festival was organized by the Homestead Cabinet ; Andy Woods, Chris Carraher and Scott Monteith. February through March 2008 at the following locations:
- at Fi-Lox-See in Wonder Valley with “Homestead Obsession,” featuring artists Scott Monteith, Perry Hoffman, Chris Carraher, and Robert Arnett.
- at The Palms in Wonder Valley “Homestead Show ‘n Tell,” a gallery show opened to anyone with work that concerns, includes, or is inspired by the homestead cabins of the Hi-Desert.
- at Trader Jeff’s in 29 Palms with the "Shack Appreciation Show," photography, oils, and prints by Diane Best and Mary-Austin Klein.
- on Bristol Dry Lake with "Poplight," Helena Bongartz’ ongoing colorful projection experience at a cabin near Amboy.
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